Here are a few possible reasons why the main character has never seen a tree before:
Urban Environment: The character may have grown up in a highly urbanized area with few or no green spaces. Skyscrapers, concrete, and buildings can overshadow the natural elements like trees.
Isolation or Restricted Movement: The family might live in a secluded or isolated community where nature is not accessible. This could be due to geographical barriers or a lifestyle chosen by the family.
Cultural Differences: The family might come from a background or culture that does not prioritize outdoor experiences, leading to a lack of exposure to nature, including trees.
Previous Limiting Circumstances: The child could have faced health issues or family circumstances (such as financial struggles or lack of transportation) that kept them from exploring outdoor environments.
Recent Awareness: Perhaps the character is very young and has just reached an age where they can appreciate and recognize natural phenomena, leading to the excitement of seeing a tree for the first time.
Change in Living Situation: The family may have recently moved from a place without trees to a new location where they can finally experience nature, making this trip special.
These reasons could contribute to the character’s anticipation and excitement about seeing a tree for the first time.