to what extent are studies in the arts important to the success of a renaissance man?
11 answers
The qualities of a "Renaissance man" reflected the political and social values of the Renaissance as these qualities were based upon a high regard for human worth and a realization of what individuals could achieve.
is this correct?
is this correct?
You haven't mentioned a thing about the arts.
the study of art leads to individual achievement and this leads to advances in math and sciences and this leads to more jobs
is this okay so far, what should I add?
You should read the cites that were posted in the above link. Then put what you've learned in your own words.
They were expected to know several languages, understand philosophy and scientific teachings, appreciate literature and art, and further, to be deft sportsmen.
That's better, but you still haven't answered the question.
can you help me answer it I am still a little confused
is it that the studies will make him fluent and bold and self confident in speaking with everyone.
A Renaissance man knows something about a lot of subjects. He achieves a balance between philosophy, science, literature, math and art. A Renaissance man is well-rounded.