To tell you this, I kind of have to spill my real name, so here it goes:

My name is Abigail. When I was younger, I was abused by my mother's side of the family and given a great load of trauma. To shorten my name, they called me Abbey.
Now, I live with my dad, step mom (who I call mom), and 7-month-old baby brother.
This morning I told my step mom that previously, little kids who couldn't pronounce my name had just called me Abbey until they could pronounce Abigail. I then asked her if my little brother, when he started talking more, would NOT call me Abbey.
My step mom then blew up at me because of what I said and refused to let me talk to my little brother afterward.
She said I "royalty ticked her off" because I refused to let my little brother, who's only word he's said thus far is "muma" and "ma", not make it easier to say my name.
One thing my mom must not understand is that when I remember my past trauma, the memories roll around it my head for hours. I have to acknowledge the trauma. Remember it, feel it, think about it, and share it.
It's horrible to relive it, so if my little brother is (in the future) going to be calling me Abbey ALL THE TIME and having me relive this every few minutes.
Talking to her won't work because she calls me Abbey when I'm in trouble. She knows the impact is has on me and she does it on purpose. WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!!?

1 answer

hi I'm so sorry if you can tell your dad and if that dos not work tell your step mom tell that if I want to let people or my little brother to call me Abigail or abbey and I almost have the same problem my mom is so mean some times and when it those times all I want to do is run away. But I hope you feel beater