did you try drawing the triangles?
(B) is true if b is the hypotenuse. (B = 90°)
Not true if C > 60°
See what you can do with (A) and (C)
To solve triangle ABC(with angles A,B and C, sides a, b, and c, with side length la, lb, lc respectively)
(A) If A = 45°, la = 7√2, and lb = 7, then there is one solution.
(B) If A = 30°, la < lb/2, then there is no solution.
(C) If A = 30°, la > lb/2, then there are two solutions.
(D) All the above (A) (B) (C) are true.
(E) None of the above (A) (B) (C) is true.
1 answer