To solve the system of equations, which expression could be substituted for x into the first equation?



3 answers

Since x + 4y = 10,
x = 10 -4y

That is all they are asking for. They aren't asking you to solve the two equations.
the firsr equation of the system is mutiplied by 2,by what number would you mutiply the second equation to eliminate the x variable by adding. first:6x - 5y =21 4x+7y= 15 when i did the promblem i got 2 chooses -3 or -2 im not sure which one
the first equation of the system is mutiplied by 4, by what number would you mutiply the second equation to eliminate the y variable by adding? first: 2x+5y=16 second:8x - 4y =10 i got 2 0r 5 im not sure which one