Since x + 4y = 10,
x = 10 -4y
That is all they are asking for. They aren't asking you to solve the two equations.
To solve the system of equations, which expression could be substituted for x into the first equation?
3 answers
the firsr equation of the system is mutiplied by 2,by what number would you mutiply the second equation to eliminate the x variable by adding. first:6x - 5y =21 4x+7y= 15 when i did the promblem i got 2 chooses -3 or -2 im not sure which one
the first equation of the system is mutiplied by 4, by what number would you mutiply the second equation to eliminate the y variable by adding? first: 2x+5y=16 second:8x - 4y =10 i got 2 0r 5 im not sure which one