to multiply the sq rt of 3 cubed by the sq rt of 9 cubed I first need to factor them? So 9 3 times =729? and 3, 3 times is 9. Then multiply the two? to get 6561?


Do I multiply 3 times 9 for 27 and add the 3+3 on the left of the radicand for 6?

Is my answer a whole number or in a radican?

2 answers

to multiply the sq rt of 3 cubed by the sq rt of 9 cubed I first need to factor them? So 9 3 times =729? and 3, 3 times is 9. Then multiply the two? to get 6561?

Reading your words either way:

(sqrt(3))^3 x (sqrt(9))^3 =
3sqrt(3) x 27 = 81(sqrt(3))


sqrt(3^3) x sqrt(9^3))
3sqrt(3) x 27 = 81(sqrt(3))
Thank you. It is not the answer I have so I will rework it until I understnd.

Thanks again.