The harder the courses and the higher the grades, the better your chances are of getting into your preferred college and receiving scholarship help.
You definitely need four years of math, English, social studies, and science. Business classes will also be helpful.
Check with your counselor -- and study this site.
To get into an actuarial science program I was wondering was sort of high school courses I would need to take and what kind of marks I'd need to acheive. I`ve tried googling this but I can't seem to find information on this anywhere :S
4 answers
An actuarial science program, if offered at the undergraduate level, would have the same high school prerequisties as a math/sciece/engineering major. Calculus (if offered) should be taken at the high school level and passed with an A grade. The required statistics and probability courses, and actuarial theory and practice, can and should be taken at the college level. Statistics is usually not taught in high school, except at a very elementary level, but can be taken if offered.
My son obtained actuary certification in a correspondence course (and by passing a required nationally administered test) after graduating from college with a math/econ major. It took hin about two extra years of part time study. He is very happy with his careeer choice, and sucessfully self-employed.
There is some good advice here:
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My son obtained actuary certification in a correspondence course (and by passing a required nationally administered test) after graduating from college with a math/econ major. It took hin about two extra years of part time study. He is very happy with his careeer choice, and sucessfully self-employed.
There is some good advice here:
(Broken Link Removed)
Thank you so much :)
i go out the door from town moor turn left and carry on then i cross a small road onto a thin path and walk on then i come to another road only this one is near town fields i cross that and walk on forwards about 10 minuits i come to a big two sided lane road near the racecorse i cross with care then i walk past the old football stadium then walk on then i walk acroos the vue cinima car park then cross a small road then walk on till i reach the back gates of hall cross then walk in the school grounds then i there.