To find out how other new and experienced drivers might handle a sideways skid, conduct this brief survey.

-Ask 3 new/student drivers and 3 experienced drivers how they would handle this type of situation desbribed above. Compare the results.

Report your results in a written paper, or create a chart showing the responses your received. . In order to get a passing grade, please also answer the questions below and number your assignment 1-5.

New/Student Drivers:
1) Driver 1: I would slam on the brakes to try to stop the skid.
2) Driver 2: I would turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction of the skid.
3) Driver 3: I would panic and not know what to do.

Experienced Drivers:
1) Driver 1: I would gently steer in the direction I want to go and avoid slamming on the brakes.
2) Driver 2: I would release the gas pedal and steer in the direction I want to go until I regain control.
3) Driver 3: I would pump the brakes to try to stop the skid.

1 answer

Based on the responses received, it appears that experienced drivers are more likely to know how to handle a sideways skid compared to new or student drivers. All three experienced drivers mentioned techniques such as gently steering in the desired direction, releasing the gas pedal, and avoiding slamming on the brakes, which are all correct ways to handle a skid situation. On the other hand, the responses from new or student drivers included incorrect actions such as slamming on the brakes, turning the steering wheel in the opposite direction of the skid, and panicking.

Overall, it is important for drivers to know how to properly handle a sideways skid in order to stay safe on the road. Practicing skid recovery techniques in a controlled environment, such as a driving school or empty parking lot, can help drivers feel more confident and prepared in case they encounter a skid situation in real life.

1) Did you notice any patterns or trends in the responses you received?
2) What are some potential consequences of not knowing how to handle a skid situation?
3) How do you think education and training can help improve driver's ability to handle skid situations?
4) Why is it important for drivers to remain calm during a skid?
5) What are some other important safety tips for driving in hazardous road conditions?