When dividing multi-digit decimals, it is perfectly acceptable to keep the decimal in the divisor or the dividend as long as you adhere to the rules of decimal division. There are a couple of approaches to managing decimals during division:
Moving the Decimal: You can eliminate the decimal in the divisor (the number you are dividing by) by multiplying both the dividend and the divisor by the same power of ten. For example, if you have 4.5 divided by 0.5, you can multiply both numbers by 10 to transform the problem into 45 divided by 5.
Keeping Decimals: You can perform the division with decimals intact. Just be sure to align the decimal point in your answer correctly based on the placement of the decimals in the numbers you are dividing.
In either case, the method you choose should lead you to the correct answer, as long as you maintain consistency in handling the decimal places throughout the calculation.