To Determine the effectiveness of her finish drawing Markie looks at her drawing and compares it to the idea in her head instead of looking at the actual object that she drew from this method will provide her with a good indicator of how successful her final drawing is

3 answers

1. False
2. False
3. Outline, shadow, texture, value
4. Note that the placement of all parts of the drawing, study the shadows and textures
5. Outline
6. Shadow, value
7. Outline
8. Line
9. Outline
10. Contour
11. False
12. False
13. False
14. Accurately represent the basic form of the subject
15. Give yourself indications of where bits might be and then connect the dots, keep your wrist relaxed
16. True
17. Draw what you see instead of what you think to be there, use your entire arm to draw with the edge of your pencils tip
18. Dirt showing between spaces of fence parts, grass showing beyond the fence
19. The space in between the subject, the space surrounding the subject
20. The field behind the dog, the sky above the dog

I know school is stressful so here you go do what you please with it, it’s all correct I promise
It is correct Thank you so much "the answers"