To simplify the ratios, we can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerators and denominators of each ratio and divide them by the GCD.
For the ratio 84/105:
GCD of 84 and 105 = 21
84 divided by 21 = 4
105 divided by 21 = 5
So, the simplified ratio is 4/5.
For the ratio 128/160:
GCD of 128 and 160 = 32
128 divided by 32 = 4
160 divided by 32 = 5
So, the simplified ratio is also 4/5.
Since the simplified ratios of 84/105 and 128/160 are both 4/5, we can conclude that the ratios are proportional.
To determine if the ratios 84/105 and 128/160 are proportional, we can check if their cross products are equal. Another way to determine if the ratios are proportional is to simplify them.
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