To convert a fraction to a percent, you will follow these steps:
1. Convert the fraction to a decimal: Divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number) to obtain the decimal form.
For example, if the fraction is 3/4, divide 3 by 4 to get 0.75.
2. Multiply the decimal by 100 to obtain the percent form.
Using the previous example, multiply 0.75 by 100 to get 75%.
3. Round the percent to the nearest tenth or hundredth as required.
If rounding to the nearest tenth, 75% remains as 75%.
If rounding to the nearest hundredth, 75% would be rounded to 75.0%.
To convert a fraction to a percent, it must first be converted to a decimal and Othen the % symbol is added Othen divided by 100. rounded to the nearest tenth . rounded to the nearest hundredth
1 answer