1. Leadership Commitment: The involvement and commitment of top management to TQM is crucial for its successful implementation. Leaders should set the direction, establish goals, and provide necessary resources and support to ensure the continuous improvement efforts are effective.
2. Customer Focus: TQM emphasizes meeting and exceeding customer expectations. Organizations need to understand customer needs and requirements, collect feedback, and integrate it into their decision-making processes. Customer satisfaction should be a top priority.
3. Employee Empowerment: TQM encourages involving employees at all levels in the improvement process. Organizations should empower employees by providing them with training, resources, and decision-making authority to solve problems and make improvements. This helps build a culture of ownership and accountability.
4. Continuous Improvement: TQM is based on the philosophy of continuous improvement. Organizations should have processes in place to identify, analyze, and solve problems on an ongoing basis. This includes using various improvement tools and techniques, such as PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, Six Sigma, Lean, and Kaizen.
5. Process Management: TQM focuses on managing processes rather than just managing functional areas. Organizations should map and analyze their processes, identify bottlenecks, streamline operations, and eliminate waste. The aim is to create efficient and effective processes that deliver quality products or services to customers.
To be successful in implementing TQM, an organisation must concentrate on eight key elements.
List five of those key elements
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