To avoid accidents, a defensive driver should:
1. Stay alert and be aware of their surroundings at all times.
2. Anticipate potential hazards and trouble spots by scanning the road ahead.
3. Maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front.
4. Use their signals to indicate their intentions to other drivers, including when changing lanes or making turns.
5. Yield the right of way when necessary, even if they have the right of way.
6. Adhere to speed limits and adjust their speed in adverse weather or road conditions.
7. Avoid distractions while driving, such as using mobile devices or eating.
8. Observe and follow traffic laws and regulations.
9. Look out for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists.
10. Be patient and courteous, allowing other drivers to merge or make lane changes when needed.
By following these defensive driving techniques, drivers can minimize the risk of accidents and contribute to safer roads.
To avoid accidents, a defensive driver should:
Ignore the driving of others
Signal only when meeting other traffic
Stay alert and look for trouble spots developing around him
Insist on his right of way
1 answer