To align decimal points in a decimal addition problem, follow these steps:
Identify the numbers: Look at the numbers you want to add together. For example, consider the numbers 3.2, 4.56, and 1.789.
Determine the maximum number of decimal places: Check how many decimal places each number has. In this case:
- 3.2 has 1 decimal place.
- 4.56 has 2 decimal places.
- 1.789 has 3 decimal places.
The maximum number of decimal places is 3 (from 1.789).
Annex zeros as needed: Adjust each number so that they all have the same number of decimal places (in this case, 3):
- 3.2 becomes 3.200
- 4.56 becomes 4.560
- 1.789 remains 1.789
Align the decimal points: Write the numbers down with their decimal points aligned:
3.200 + 4.560 + 1.789
Perform the addition: Now you can add the numbers as normal:
3.200 + 4.560 + 1.789 ______________ 9.549
Thus, the sum of 3.2, 4.56, and 1.789 is 9.549.