To a young child there is no place like a grandmother’s house. When I was in elementary school I was fortunate enough to be able to spend every day after school with my Nanny. I had a routine. As soon as I got to her house I would quickly do my homework. I would spread my books out on the big blue couch in the living room and kick off my shoes. She would then open the blinds on the windows because she claimed that natural light was better for the eyes when reading. Afterwards there was plenty of time to watch TV while I ate a snack and waited for Mom to arrive and take me home.
Nanny always had my favorite snacks at her house. She’d spoil me with an individually packaged cup of vanilla Blue Bell ice cream or Colby cheese that she had allowed to sit out and soften for the best cheese and crackers! Sometimes I’d also get to indulge in a spoonful of peanut butter.
One day my friend Allison went to my Nanny’s house with me after school. We helped each other with our homework and then she wanted to go play outside. Nanny let us and gave us spoons to play in the dirt with. We had learned about Indians that day at school and decided build an Indian civilization. We used leaves for the teepees, built mounds out of the dirt, and pretended there was a river running through the center.
After a while of playing, we both began to get hungry. We rushed inside to ask for a snack.
“Nanny, we’re hungry. Can we have ice cream?” I asked.
“Go and wash your hands,” she replied.
We both rushed to the bathroom and quickly ran our hands under the water, dried them off on the green and white towel hanging near the sink, and returned to the kitchen anxious for a sweet treat.
“Did you wash up good?” Nanny asked.
“Yes ma’m,” we said.
“Are you sure you used soap and got rid of all of those germs?”
“Yes ma’m,” I replied. Allison remained silent.
“Positive?” she asked again.
“Yes ma’m, I’m sure. Can I have my ice cream now?”
“No ma’m, I didn’t use soap” Allison said.
Nanny smiled at her.
“I know you didn’t Allison, and neither did Brittney. There’s no soap in the bathroom. Thank you for being honest.” She said as she guided Allison to the kitchen sink to rewash her hands.
Nanny then removed a single spoon from the drawer beside the refrigerator and handed Allison both the spoon and her small cup of ice cream.
“Nanny, don’t I get some ice cream?” I pleaded.
“Not today. You didn’t tell me the truth either time that I asked you about washing your hands. It was important that you washed your hands good because of all the germs in the dirt you were playing in.” she lectured.
I would pout, but I knew not to argue. It was my fault that I didn’t get a cup of ice cream. That day as I watched Allison enjoy her cup of ice cream I learned an important lesson: just because you badly want something, it is no reason to lie. Honestly is important in many aspects of life and I’m glad that I was able to learn that from a simple childhood experience.
5 answers
One day my friend Allison went to my Nanny’s house with me after school. We helped each other with our homework and then she wanted to go play outside. Nanny let us and gave us spoons to play in the dirt with. We had learned about Indians that day at school and decided build an Indian civilization. We used leaves for the teepees, built mounds out of the dirt, and pretended there was a river running through the center.
“Nanny, we’re hungry. Can we have ice cream?” I asked.
“Go and wash your hands,” she replied.
We both rushed to the bathroom and quickly ran our hands under the water, dried them off on the green and white towel hanging near the sink, and returned to the kitchen anxious for a sweet treat.
“Did you wash up good?” Nanny asked.
“Yes ma’m,” we said.
“Are you sure you used soap and got rid of all of those germs?”
“Yes ma’m,” I replied. Allison remained silent.
“Positive?” she asked again.
“Yes ma’m, I’m sure. Can I have my ice cream now?”
“No ma’m, I didn’t use soap” Allison said.
Nanny smiled at her.
“I know you didn’t Allison, and neither did Brittney. There’s no soap in the bathroom. Thank you for being honest.” She said as she guided Allison to the kitchen sink to rewash her hands.
Nanny then removed a single spoon from the drawer beside the refrigerator and handed Allison both the spoon and her small cup of ice cream.
“Nanny, don’t I get some ice cream?” I pleaded.
“Not today. You didn’t tell me the truth either time that I asked you about washing your hands. It was important that you washed your hands good because of all the germs in the dirt you were playing in.” she lectured.
I would pout, but I knew not to argue. It was my fault that I didn’t get a cup of ice cream. That day as I watched Allison enjoy her cup of ice cream I learned an important lesson: just because you badly want something, it is no reason to lie. Honestly is important in many aspects of life and I’m glad that I was able to learn that from a simple childhood experience.
Pay special attention to #2 and #3.