
Exploring the Factors Contributing to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) on University Campuses
Background and Rationale
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) on university campuses is a universal issue that affects the safety, well-being, and educational success of students. GBV includes acts such as sexual harassment, assault, intimate partner violence, stalking and emotional abuse. The occurrence of GBV on campuses is disturbing, with substantial negative impacts on victims’ mental and physical health, academic performance, and overall quality of life. Understanding the factors that contribute to GBV is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies.
Problem Formulation
Despite various initiatives and policies aimed at reducing GBV, incidents continue to occur at high rates on university campuses. This research seeks to identify and analyse the underlying factors that contribute to GBV in this setting. By understanding these factors, universities can implement more targeted and effective measures to combat GBV and support affected students.
Key Questions and Objectives of the Study
1. What are the primary factors contributing to GBV on university campuses?
2. How do social, cultural, and institutional factors influence the prevalence of GBV?
3. What are the experiences and perceptions of students regarding GBV on campus?
4. What measures can be implemented to effectively prevent and address GBV on campuses?
• To identify and categorize the factors:
1. Observe the social, cultural, and official factors that may influence to the prevalence of GBV on university campuses.
2. Examine the role of campus culture, peer impact and societal norms in preserving GBV.
• Analyse the effect of existing measures:
1. Evaluate the efficiency of the current policies and plans aimed at reducing GBV.
2. Find gaps and limitations in existing procedures and propose advancements.
• Understand the experiences of effected students:
1. Gather and analyse the qualitative facts on the experiences of candidates who suffered the turmoil of GBV.
2. Investigate the academic, emotional and psychological impacts of GBV on students.
• Develop targeted interventions:
1. Based on the results, suggest targeted interventions that will tackle the categorised contributing factors.
2. Propose strategies for universities to instigate more effective measures to fight against GBV and give support to suffered students.
Research Design and Methodology
This study will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to GBV on university campuses.
Quantitative Component:
• Survey: A well-defined questionnaire will be distributed to a representative sample of students across various universities. The survey will collect data on the prevalence of GBV, contributing factors, and students’ experiences and perceptions.
Qualitative Component:
• Interviews: In-depth interviews will be conducted with a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff to gain deeper insights into the contextual and personal factors influencing GBV.
• Focus Groups: Focus group discussions will be organized to explore collective experiences and attitudes towards GBV and to identify potential solutions.
Data Analysis:
• Quantitative Data: Statistical analysis will be performed using software such as SPSS to identify patterns and correlations between different variables.
• Qualitative Data: Thematic analysis will be used to analyse interview and focus group transcripts, identifying key themes and insights.
Ethical Considerations
Given the sensitive nature of the topic, this research will adhere to strict ethical guidelines to ensure the safety and confidentiality of all participants. Key ethical considerations include:
• Informed Consent: Participants will be fully informed about the purpose of the study, their rights, and the measures taken to protect their privacy. Written consent will be obtained from all participants.
• Confidentiality: All data collected will be anonymized, and personal identifiers will be removed to protect participants’ identities.
• Support Services: Participants who may experience distress as a result of discussing their experiences will be provided with information about available support services and resources.
• Ethical Approval: The research proposal will be submitted to the university’s ethics committee for review and approval before data collection begins.

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Research Design and Methodology (Expanded)

This study employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating both quantitative and qualitative research methods to provide a holistic understanding of the factors contributing to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) on university campuses. By combining numerical data with contextual insights, this approach allows for a more nuanced analysis of the prevalence and impact of GBV among students.

Quantitative Component:

1. Survey Design:

  • Questionnaire Development: A comprehensive questionnaire will be developed to measure various aspects of GBV, including experiences, perceptions, and contributing factors. The questionnaire will be structured to include:
    • Demographic questions (age, gender, year of study, etc.)
    • Questions assessing experiences of GBV (e.g., frequency, type of violence)
    • Awareness and perceptions of existing policies and support services
    • Attitudes towards GBV, including peer norms and societal beliefs
  • Pilot Testing: The questionnaire will undergo pilot testing with a small group of students to ensure clarity, relevance, and reliability. Feedback will be used to refine the survey before wider distribution.

2. Sampling:

  • Target Population: The survey will target a diverse sample of students from multiple universities to ensure representation across various demographics (e.g., gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status).
  • Sampling Techniques: Stratified random sampling will be used to ensure that the sample adequately reflects the diversity of the student population. Each stratum will be defined based on key demographic factors.
  • Sample Size: A minimum of 300 participants will be targeted to ensure sufficient statistical power for analysis.

3. Data Collection:

  • Administration: Surveys will be administered both online and in person, utilizing platforms that facilitate anonymity. Participants will be encouraged to complete the survey in a private setting.
  • Duration: The survey will be open for a period of four weeks, with periodic reminders sent to encourage participation.

4. Data Analysis:

  • Statistical Analysis: Collected data will be analyzed using statistical software (e.g., SPSS) to calculate prevalence rates, correlations, and identify significant factors associated with GBV incidents. Descriptive and inferential statistics will be utilized to interpret the results.

Qualitative Component:

1. In-depth Interviews:

  • Participant Selection: A purposeful sampling approach will be used to invite students who have experienced GBV, as well as those who have not but are engaged in GBV prevention efforts (e.g., peer educators, staff). This diversity will enhance the richness of data collected.
  • Interview Guide: A semi-structured interview guide will be developed, allowing for open-ended questions that encourage participants to share their experiences and perspectives on GBV. Questions may explore:
    • Personal narratives of experiences with GBV
    • Reactions to incidents of GBV in their environment
    • Perceived barriers to reporting incidents
    • Suggestions for improving campus policies and support services
  • Interview Process: Interviews will be conducted in a safe and comfortable environment, either face-to-face or via secure online platforms. Each interview is expected to last between 45 minutes to an hour.

2. Focus Groups:

  • Group Composition: Focus groups will consist of 6-10 participants from diverse backgrounds to ensure a range of perspectives are represented.
  • Facilitation: A trained facilitator will guide the discussions, using a structured set of questions to promote dialogue among participants. Topics will include:
    • Collective experiences with GBV
    • Attitudes and norms surrounding GBV
    • Community resources and strategies for prevention
  • Duration: Each focus group session will last approximately 90 minutes.

3. Data Analysis:

  • Thematic Analysis: Transcriptions of interviews and focus group discussions will be subjected to thematic analysis. Coding will be carried out using qualitative analysis software (e.g., NVivo) to identify common themes, patterns, and insights. A systematic approach will be applied, moving from initial coding to theme development and refinement.


To enhance the validity and reliability of the findings, triangulation will be employed by cross-verifying data collected through different methods (surveys, interviews, and focus groups). This approach ensures that the findings are comprehensive, corroborated, and representative of students' experiences with GBV on university campuses.

Ethical Considerations (Further Expansion):

1. Cultural Sensitivity:

  • The research team will be trained to understand the diverse cultural contexts of participants. Questions will be framed carefully to avoid triggering negative emotions or distress.

2. Data Storage and Management:

  • All data will be securely stored in password-protected systems, and only authorized researchers will have access to the data. The data will be retained for a specified period as per legal and ethical guidelines before being securely destroyed.

By employing this detailed research methodology, the study aims to generate significant insights into the multifaceted factors contributing to GBV on university campuses and identify effective strategies for intervention and prevention.