Time Period Characteristics
Paleo-Indians 11,000 to 8,000 BC Nomadic lifestyle, hunting large game, stone tools, limited pottery production
Archaic Indian 8,000 to 1500 BC Transition to more settled lifestyle, hunting and gathering, increased use of stone tools, basketry, fishing
Woodland Indians 1,000 BC to 1,000 AD Development of agricultural practices, permanent settlements, pottery production, increased complexity in social and cultural systems
Mississippian Indians 800 to 1600 Advanced agricultural practices, large-scale mound-building, hierarchical society, extensive trade networks, sophisticated pottery and art production
Time Period Characteristics
Paleo-Indians 11,000 to 8,000 BC _____
Archaic Indian 8,000 to 1500 BC _____
Woodland Indians 1,000 BC to 1,000 AD ______
Mississippian Indians 800 to 1600 ______
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