Time is taken for 10 oscillations.
d/cm T1/SEC T2/SEC T3/SEC T D/T
1 25.0 14.68 14.57 14.81
2 30.0 13.90 14.32 14.41
3 35.0 13.28 13.50 13.82
4 40.0 14.00 14.22 14.15
5 45.0 13.37 13.22 13.32
6 50.0 12.97 12.97 12.94
Plot T against y axis and d/T against X axis. Draw the best fit line, find the gradient of the line drawn and it’s y-intercept.
Plot T against y axis and d/T against X axis. Draw the best fit line, find the gradient of the line drawn and it’s y-intercept.
1 answer
Please answer i am confused what to plot in y axis and in x axis. I am getting the gradient for this question in negative value.