Tickets for a play cost Php 250 for adults and Php 200 for children.The sponsor of the show collected a total amount of not more than lhp 44,000 from more than 150 adults and children who watched the play.

A. What mathematical statements represents the given situation?
B. Draw and describe the graphs of the mathematical statements.
C. How can you find the possible number of children and adults who watched the play?
D.Give 4 possible numbers of adults and children who watched the play.Justify your answer.
E.The sponsor of the show realized that if the prices of the tickets were reduced,more people would have watched the play.If you were the sponsors of the play,would you reduce the prices of the tickets?why?

11 answers

A = 150-C

250A + 200C ≤ 44000

Substitute 150-C for A in the second equation and solve for C. Insert that value into the first equation to solve for A. Check by putting both values into the second equation.

Cannot graph on these posts.
Tickets for theatre play costs Php500 for adults and 400 for children. A total of 1000 tickets were sold by the organizer of the theatre play
Tickets for the movie Frozen 2 cost $250.00 for adults and $200.00 for children.How much would tickets cost for a family of 2 adults and 4 children?
Dbrvrnrnyujwgfhjfkeydbfkrktltlrjqfwbdjtmtltkwfqdsvdyrjtkylgnafshehtjtmhkdgsvdgegjugeevrnuqmctbthfdefbniddsxghcyjdfrbjlmogdvebufbykplpofrvrhfexgdhehrjtjykgnfbdhtlynscwgrjfnulilyjdfwfsvcntkooxrv she bjpoooa rmphvrbjfe
Your mom is my response
Tickets to a play cost Php 250 for adults and Php 200 for children.The sponsor of the show collected a total amount of not more than Php 44,000 from more than 150 adults and children who wanted the play
A.What mathemathical statents represent the given situation
Tickets for a play cost 300.00 for adults and 250.00 for children.the sponsor of the show collected a total amount of not more than 55,000.00 from more than 150 adults and children who watched the play. In this problem,let x be the number of adults,and let y be the number of children
What is the solution
Tickets for a play cost Php 250 for adults and Php 200 for children. The
sponsor of the show collected a total amount of not more than Php 44,000
from more than 150 adults and children who watched the play.
a. Write a system of inequalities to describe the situation in the problem.
b. Set up a graph of system of linear inequalities that represent the given
c. Give one possible numbers of adults and children who watched the play.
Let x = number of adults who watched the play
y = number of children who watched the play
A. System of Linear Inequalities:
7. ______________
S. � + � > 150 U. � + � ≥ 150
250� + 200� ≤ 44,000 250� + 200� ≤ 44,000
T. � + � < 150 V. � + � ≤ 150
250� + 200� ≥ 44,000 250� + 200� ≥ 44,000
B. Complete the table below.
Equation 1 x-intercept 8.
y-intercept 9.

A. (0, 150) B. (0, −150) C. (150, 0) D. (−150,0)
Equation 2 x-intercept 10.
y-intercept 11.
R. (176,0) S. (175,0) T. (0,220) U. (0,225)