Through how many degrees does the minute hand move...

1. From 10:00 to 11:00?_______________

2. From 4:00 to 4:30?_______________

3. From 6:00 to 6:15?_______________

4. From 9:00 to 9:05?_______________

5. From 3:00 to 3:01?_______________

Please Help!!
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2 answers

There are three hundred and sixty degrees (360) in a circle and sixty (60) minutes are in an hour. Either looking at a clock/watch or sketching out the hands on paper might be of use to you. The hour hand is the shorter hand and the minute hand is the longer hand. 1. You are travelling all the way around in a circle right back to where you started from (360 degrees) 2. You are travelling half way around a circle (180 degrees) 3. You are travelling around in a quarter turn, so one fourth of 360 is ninety degrees (90 degrees is a right angle, an L, a perpendicular, or whatever else you wish to call it). Picture the round clock as a pie that you are cutting in to slices, with the total pie being 360 degrees. #4 is a piece measuring thirty 30 degrees. #5 would cover six (6) degrees.
Find the volume of a closed cylinder with thickness 1.2cm and diameter 17.1 take pie=3.14