Three objects A, B, C are at vertices P, Q and R respectively of square PQRS of side 1km speed of these objects are 36km/hr 10m/s 0.8km/min initially they are at rest and start moving in clockwise direction simultaneously

1)which of the objects have the maximum speed?
2)By what time A reaches vertex Q distance between the objects B and C is -----kms
3/4. 4/3. 5/6. 6/5
3)Time after A will meet B is
1min20sec. 1min. 1min30sec. 1min40sec
4) Time after which all of them are at starting position is?
1min. 18min. 20min. 30min

1 answer

For comparison, change all to m/s:
36 km/hr = 36000m/3600s = 10 m/s
.8km/min = 800m/60s = 13.33 m/s

A takes 100 seconds to reach Q.
By that time,
B has reached R
C has passed S and is 33.33 m toward P
So, BC = √(1000^2 + 33.33^2) meters

Since A and B are both moving at 10 m/s, A will never catch B.

C is moving 4/3 as fast as A and B. It will travel 4 times around PQRS while they go 3 laps. So, all will be back home after 300 seconds.

Check my math and check for typos, since #3 has no solution.