The water will be heated by each metal. How much.
q = mass H2O x specific heat H2O x delta T.
Therefore for dT to be the smallest, you want q to be the smallest
How much will the metal change?
q = mass metal x specific heat metal x (Tfinal-Tinitial)
q = 10g x specific heat metal x (Tfinal - 100). If you want q to be the smallest, what does that say about specific heat, all other things being constant?
Three metals, iron, copper, and gold, have heat capacities of 0.450 J/goC, 0.385 J/goC and 0.129 J/goC, respectively. A 10g sample of each metal was heated in a water bath at 100oC. One of these metals will be placed in a Styrofoam cup containing 50.0 mL of water at 25oC. Which metal should be placed in the cup if we want to observe the lowest temperature change in the water?
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