Three long, thin, co-planar wires are separated by 10cm and arranged as shown. The top wire carries 1A, the middle wire carries 2A, and the bottom wire carries 3A.

2A (6 points possible)
What is the magnitude of the force per unit length on the TOP wire in N/m?

1000 - incorrect
What is the direction of the force on the TOP wire?

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2B (6 points possible)
What is the magnitude of the force per unit length on the MIDDLE wire in N/m?

What is the magnitude of the force per unit length on the MIDDLE wire in N/m? - unanswered
What is the direction of the force on the MIDDLE wire?

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2C (6 points possible)
What is the magnitude of the force on the BOTTOM wire in N/m?

What is the magnitude of the force on the BOTTOM wire in N/m? - unanswered
What is the direction of the force on the bottom wire?

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