Three friends are buying snacks at the movies. The prices are below.


Fountain Drink = $1.25

Frozen Slush = $2.25

Bottled Water = $1.75


Hotdog = $3.50

Box Candy = $3.25

Popcorn = $2.50

They spend a total of exactly $15.00 at the snack bar. If each friend buys the same drink and the same snack, which drink and snack combination do they each buy?
If �he �h�ee f�ie�d� decide �ha� �he� d���� ha�e �� ��e�d all �f �he $15.00, b�� �he� ��ill �ant to buy the same drink and same snack, what are all the possible combinations of drinks and snacks the friends can buy? How much change, if any, will they get back from their $15 for each combination? Justify your reasoning.

1 answer

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