In the scenario described, a drought wipes out the plants that provide food for Birds A, B, and C.
- Bird A eats insects and plant seeds. Since the plant seeds are wiped out due to the drought, the availability of food for Bird A will be significantly reduced.
- Bird B drinks flower nectar. With the plants gone, there will be no flowers to provide nectar for Bird B, effectively eliminating its food source.
- Bird C eats plant seeds, which are also wiped out in this scenario.
Given that all three birds rely on plants (either directly or indirectly for food), it is likely that:
- Bird A will struggle because of the loss of plant seeds, though it may still find insects.
- Bird B will likely die due to the lack of nectar.
- Bird C will also die because it relies solely on plant seeds.
Therefore, the most likely outcome is:
Bird A survives; either bird B or bird C dies, and the other survives.
This is the best response considering that Bird A might still find some nutrition from insects, while both Bird B and C face extinction due to their reliance on plant sources that were wiped out.