Thomas Evans sat alone in his living room, reading. His granddaughter, Lily Evans, was upstairs, asleep. It was a normal Friday night in Coleman, Connecticut, at least it seemed like it, until it happened.

First, Mr.Evans heard a dull thump. He looked around, wondering what it was.

“Lily?” He called. She didn’t respond. He went upstairs to look for her. She was fast asleep. Then there was another thump. It was definitely coming from the living room. He went back to the living room to check it out. There was another thump. And another. And another. They were getting louder and louder until they just stopped altogether. Mr.Evans was still trying to figure out what could make that noise when he saw the thing moving. It was under the rug, running back and forth across the room. Mr.Evans was too scared to move. The thing ran across the room again and disappeared into the wall, right where it had come from. Mr.Evans never talked about that night. No one would believe him anyway.

* * * * *

Two weeks passed and it happened again. Lily Evans was at a sleepover at her friend, Olivia’s, house. Thomas Evans was sitting alone in his living room and he heard a thump. This time, though, Mr.Evans was ready. He grabbed a wooden chair and lifted it high over his head. The thing started moving under the carpet and Mr.Evans tried to whack it with the chair, but it was too fast and came right under Mr.Evans’s feet and knocked them out from under him. Mr.Evans fell to the ground with a bang. He could barely move. It came out from under the carpet. It was a bit bigger than a cat and had glossy black fur. Its face, though. Its face was like nothing Mr.Evans had seen before. Its face was like a wolf’s and It had eyes red as blood. It had fangs four inches long and Its nose was crusted with blood. Mr.Evans only saw a glimpse as the thing brought its teeth swiftly down on Mr.Evans’s throat.
where is the metaphor

1 answer

There does not appear to be a metaphor in this passage. It is a straightforward description of events and actions.