Taking a day off to rake leaves? Have you no idea how valuable instructional time is? Kids can rake leaves on Saturday morning.
Hospitals can always use candy stripers on the weekends. VA hospitals need visitors anytime. Is it possible students can register folks to vote? Think on things that make responsible citizens, and helping the community grow.
A note on the Pen pal thing: Never as a teacher get involved in that, if it is done, let Parents do it. You don't want to be monitoring predators and their letter buddies, nor responsible for that activity.
this what i have so far and I need 44 more words: Instructional strategies for encouraging communitity involvement and global awareness for social studies students can be the following. In middle or high school, an annual event could be that the students take a half a day of school off to rake the leaves or any other yard work in lawns of senior citizens or other people who can not do those things. This encouraged community involvement.The student can find or locate pen pals around the world and that could be included with the community. Current events gleaned from the internet and newspapers also increases global awareness and the students can find articles and write about them. Have the students find out what programs are available for them to get involved in the communitywhere they live. Another one could be have the students take a country and look for specifics like population, natural resources, and so on. Maybe have the students do a report or provide visuals aids to share with the class.
That is what I have so far to this: Consider that one responsibility of the social studies teacher is to help students become
better-informed, more responsible citizens.
• Suggest, in 200 to 300 words, instructional strategies for encouraging community
involvement and global awareness for social studies students.
2 answers
Bobpursley has made some good points.
But since I suggested some of these ideas, I'll speak up in their defense.
Middle schoolers raking leaves for senior citizens one day a year was a very successful project. Yes, it took a day off from classroom work, but it also brought home to our middle school students the value and importance of community service. Since school staff members supervised the leaf raking, the kids did a great job, helped the seniors, improved the self concept of many students, and brought good p.r. to the school system.
Writing to kids in other countries helped our middle school students appreciate the similarities and differences in cultures. Danger from predators was hardly an issue because of the vast distances involved.
But since I suggested some of these ideas, I'll speak up in their defense.
Middle schoolers raking leaves for senior citizens one day a year was a very successful project. Yes, it took a day off from classroom work, but it also brought home to our middle school students the value and importance of community service. Since school staff members supervised the leaf raking, the kids did a great job, helped the seniors, improved the self concept of many students, and brought good p.r. to the school system.
Writing to kids in other countries helped our middle school students appreciate the similarities and differences in cultures. Danger from predators was hardly an issue because of the vast distances involved.