This week, you learned the differences between the most popular 3 browsers.

How might you change your normal, everyday browsing “habits,”. I am having trouble coming up with more ideas and information. (150 words)

This week I learned about three different browsers Safari, Chrome and Firefox also called The Big Three. Based on what I have learned I will make sure I develop browsing habits that will help me improve the security of my online activities. This information could potentially become available to sites that I do not intend to be able to view my data. I am going to make sure I update anti-virus and anti-malware programs such as Norton Security.

I primarily use Google Chrome as my browser. I am going to not allow any sites to track my physical location I will (add any sites to the exceptions list that are needed).

1 answer

You have written 111 words.

What punctuation will you put after "browsers" in line 1? What will you put after "Firefox"?

"could" and "potentially" mean the same thing. How can you rephrase to get rid of one or the other?

You wrote, "I am not going to allow any sites to track my physical location." You need to explain exactly how you plan to accomplish that.

I'm not sure why you separated all this into the two parts. Read and study this webpage to learn what a fully developed paragraph is:
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