Sunlight Zone: Chambered nautilus (1,800 feet)
Twilight Zone: Giant squid (10,000 feet)
Midnight Zone: Deep sea anglerfish (3,000 feet), Deep sea dragon fish (5,000 feet), Fangtooth (16,000 feet)
Abyss: Deep sea anemone (33,000 feet)
This table lists fish that can be found at different depths of the ocean. The diagram on the next page shows ocean layers and their depths. Use the answers to problems 2 and 3 to fill in the depth of the Sunlight Zone and the Abyss. Then, write the names of the fish in the diagram in the layers where they can be found.
Fish Name Ocean Depth (feet)
Chambered nautilus 1,800
Deep sea anemone 33,000
Deep sea anglerfish 3,000
Deep sea dragon fish 5,000
Fangtooth 16,000
Giant squid 10,000
1 answer