Part A
Answer: A. By having Augustus unaware of the true state of affairs in the town
Explanation: Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something that the characters do not. In this play, Augustus believes he is going to oversee the efficient functioning of the town during wartime but is completely oblivious to the realities and challenges the town faces, such as the lack of basic services and the internment of critical personnel like the baker. His confidence and frustration stem from his ignorance of the actual state of affairs, creating a sense of irony.
Part B
Answer: B. "What! You mean to tell me that when the lives of the gallant fellows in our trenches, and the fate of the British Empire, depend on our keeping up the supply of shells, you are wasting money on sweeping the streets?"
Explanation: This line exemplifies Augustus’s dramatic misunderstanding of the situation in the town. He believes that maintaining military supply lines is the top priority, not realizing the essential needs of the town itself, thus highlighting his ignorance to the audience and contributing to the dramatic irony.