If you're in Connexus like me, there is a page before you start your quiz or quick check and a worksheet describing them all. Here all the ones I got: "As Discussion Director, you will think about the
β’ What images come to mind as you read?
β’ If you could interview the author, what
question would you ask? Why?
β’ Predict what will happen next and why.
(Note: Prediction may not apply for
informational texts.)
Word Watcher
As Word Watcher, you will think about the
β’ What new words did you find in this
β’ What words are used frequently?
β’ What words are used in unusual ways?
As Summarizer, you will think about the
β’ What are the key facts and/or main ideas
in this selection?
β’ If you were to come up with an essay
topic for this selection, what main idea
would you choose? Write an essay
question or prompt.
As Luminary, you will think about the following:
β’ Which part of the reading (e.g., an
interesting fact, a piece of dialogue, an
event) really struck you? Why?
As Connector, you will think about the following:
β’ Connect what you have read so far with
things you have experienced at home or
in your personal life.
β’ Connect what you have read so far to
what is going on in the world right now.
β’ Connect what you have read to the Big
If you're in a rush to complete this question, the easiest one to pick is Word Watcher which is just literally a word that is new to you that was presented in the novel you are reading in your Language Arts class.
. This question asks about your work in your reading role. You may use your novel to help you answer the question.
Think about the work you completed in your reading role. Determine the ideas that would be most worthy to share in a literary discussion about The Giver. Provide an explanation for your choices. How did the role you selected and the work you completed help you understand more about the text? Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.
76 answers
Good answer, Music Lover.
Caution, though -- NEVER post personal information about yourself or ask personal questions of other students. Thanks.
Caution, though -- NEVER post personal information about yourself or ask personal questions of other students. Thanks.
Well good luck jj glad I could help. Sorry Writeacher I didn't mean to. Thanks for letting me know. :)
Great answer Music Lover!
I my god, thank you
conexus sucks!!!!!!!!!|
Connexus is really an amazing system.
You spelled it incorrectly.
Don't look for answers online.
Study. You are cheating yourself out of learning.
You spelled it incorrectly.
Don't look for answers online.
Study. You are cheating yourself out of learning.
I know foo Conexus or how ever you say it even the name sucks
hey kalaya if we cheat why are you on this website as well
Kalaya shut up, we don't care about what you have to say and why would we even listen? If you have such a big problem with this website you probably shouldn't be commenting.
Kalaya if people on this website wanna cheat let em cheat. You don't need to worry about their well being. Thanks.
You're the Dumb one. How did you find this if you didn't cheat. Get off with that crap. okAY?
You're the Dumb one. How did you find this if you didn't cheat. Get off with that crap. okAY?
what's ur name music lover
@ kalaya how did u just come to this question if you were not looking for the answer yourself?
tater-tots is my life
Ok well that for one doesn't make sense. I always come on here to double check answers but come on don't criticize someone for what you are doing. I have a serious problem with people like you. Being hypocritical won't get you far in life. Just saying. As well as cheating won't get you far in life. If you really need the help or just need your grades up a little be my guest. Use this site. But don't act like your better than the kids who are struggling and need help. At least they don't criticize someone for what they are doing. I am fourteen and sometimes I struggle with my work but that doesn't mean I just jump to cheating. I try to figure it out on my own and if I can't I ask for help. Try doing that sometimes. This site was meant for HELP NOT CHEATING. Get the difference? We are not here to just give out answers we are here to help each other. So therefore we are not cheating. It's just like asking a friend for help in a brick-and-mortar school.
~ Just a savage
~ Just a savage
Whoops don't know why that posted two times.
~ Just a savage
~ Just a savage
No vilence or youre all going to get kicked off of jiskha.
I agree with the principle of connextions academy.
you guys are all of topic.
now please get back on topic.
now please get back on topic.
I gree with phycho about school.
first of all anonymous you are cheating right now if you wanna talk about cheating :) you are cheating by going online and even looking at this stuff
yea i dont know why you people get on here if you "dont like cheats" YOUR ONE TOOOOO
sorry i meant cheaters*
connexus annoys
Hey kayla you can show them who you really are don't let them tear you down.
I agree, connexus does suck, but I literally had to do connexus because I got expelled from 7th grade, thank god I'm going back in 8th, almost there.
I agree with @savagegirl you ppl are jerks but your teenagers what do you expect. @savagegirl gj thanks, there are few people like you left in the world. And there are also people like Anonymous roasting Kayla (idk who u r srry) but you donβt have to be a jerk about it you think you can hide behind the internet you can try.
Itβs the internet nothing is hidden. Not a threat just truth lol
how about we get back on the topic, and stop telling people to follow your twitter!!!
Connections sucks last year I had as and bs but when I got forced to go here boom I'm failing
Everyone shut up, we need to figure these answers out, well, I do, schools just about finished and I might not even pass ):<
@saints you need at least a 60 overall to pass
[I put random cliff notes in the answers just so you know you have the right quest/answer]
D -Moon shadow's grandfather...
C - Robin and Moon...
B - Yep understood...
C - Plentiful vs. sparse
A - Generosity
A, C - [No cliffnote]
C - "I call you my treasure..."
D - He will work hard to make...
C - Sensible
[Essay Cliff Notes]
10. - Windrider killed a man in self defense and moon and him need to leave / and the man vs man conflict between windrider and black dog
11. - 1.) Family, New environment, and why Americans are called "white demons. 2.) Understand from different point of view
Hope this helps - Good Luck :)
[I put random cliff notes in the answers just so you know you have the right quest/answer]
D -Moon shadow's grandfather...
C - Robin and Moon...
B - Yep understood...
C - Plentiful vs. sparse
A - Generosity
A, C - [No cliffnote]
C - "I call you my treasure..."
D - He will work hard to make...
C - Sensible
[Essay Cliff Notes]
10. - Windrider killed a man in self defense and moon and him need to leave / and the man vs man conflict between windrider and black dog
11. - 1.) Family, New environment, and why Americans are called "white demons. 2.) Understand from different point of view
Hope this helps - Good Luck :)
hey um Kayla I just have 1 simple request okay listen carefully bc I'm only asking once and that's it. stop D.E please its really unhealthy and I would have for u to get cancer from it. who agrees with me?
omfg can we all stop dragging this kayla girl and focus on the point of helping each other out jesus christ smh
Good grief -_-
Hey I don't know why you all are being rude to others they did nothing wrong to you and you're over here saying these things to hurt them, You don't know their life and what's going on in their life for all we know they could be getting bullied already or being abused or something like that, They don't need people like you guys doing more damage to them because what happens if they commit suicide, their parents or the police will look at their devices and see this then the police will get your location and arrest you because you bullied this person so much to make them think that they don't belong on this planet and that they aren't important and that's not true at all every single person on this planet deserves to be here and everyone is important and loved. But if people keep bullying others than you should stop and think of how you would feel if you got pushed to your limit and got damaged and hurt so much, The people you bully probably already do self-harm and you're just making it worse for them but saying these things to them. Please stop bullying others because you'll just get in trouble and I'm sure that you're parents will be upset if they see or hear that you're bullying other people.
Sowwy if I made some people upset but I'm only stating my opinion
Sowwy if I made some people upset but I'm only stating my opinion
and then they all just stopped.
TOGA!! I love you toga you may take my blood <3
Anyone got a job? I'm a broke old fart because I got fired. LOL
to all the people who keep saying this is a cheating site its not and to the people who say its a cheating site you would have never gotton to this site unless you look up the question
You guys need to chill tf out....first off, if its supposedly "cheating" then why are you even on this website. Second, if other people are "cheating", mind your business. Personally, I go on this website most of the time because I am in fact a connexus student, and I have no idea what I'm doing. And with the "if you cheat you won't learn anything" comments, when am I ever going to need to use this in life. I'm pretty sure it's not going to ask me these kinds of questions on my resume. Sorry for the paragraph-long rant.
~A very annoyed middle school student
~A very annoyed middle school student
Last year I had as an bs I came here Iβm failing this junk sucksss
Think about the work you completed in your reading role. Determine the idea that would be most worthy to share in a literay discussion about Johnny Tremain. Provide an explanation for your choices. How did the role your selected and the work you completed help you understand more about the text? Suppoert your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.
I eat crayons
Hey guys ...... world war 3 could be coming and in this time of need you need to know something very inportant. Jesus loves you , he died on the cross for you! With ur face on his mind! Now he lives u very much , and you can choose to love him for the next eternity in heaven , or you can go to hell like most the people here . He loves you , he knows you , and he is here for u . Please choose to live him . Be the change is this dang world. Do u rlly think that from when u were born till now is any better? BE THE CHANGE in this stupid world!ππ
um, jUsT a SaVaGe criticism is really a bad thing, without being criticized for the things you do you can keep messing up, though besides that I agree #we ask for help on here.
Please do not use this site to find your answers. Use your novel and ask the teacher if you have any questions. Most of the time, the answers are incorrect, so please make sure that you are using your best judgment when trying to find the answer.
omg guys can u answer the question you guys keep saying no one cares kalaya yet u guys take ur taking the time just to insult her like seems to me like u careπ¬
Sorry I meant criticism is not a bad thing.
one of them is that the community, where Jonas lives is orderly and carefully planned. I also find it interesting to see that Jonas is scared about his new role might be. In Chapter One, he says he is apprehensive about what his new role might be. Another thing is that Jonas and Gabriel (Gabe) are different from the rest of the community because they have pale eyes, while everyone else has dark eyes. "Oh, look!" Lily squealed in delight. "Look, how tiny he is!""He, even has funny eyes like you Jonas!"
hey guys
everything is useless
here are the answers! =D
1) d
2) b
3) a&b
4) c
5) c
6) c
7) d
8) d
9) d
10) b&c
11) a
12) Short Essay Question, I will give an answer to when I'm done.
13) Short Essay Question, I will give an answer to when I'm done.
This is for Unit 4 Lesson 8 btw ;)
1) d
2) b
3) a&b
4) c
5) c
6) c
7) d
8) d
9) d
10) b&c
11) a
12) Short Essay Question, I will give an answer to when I'm done.
13) Short Essay Question, I will give an answer to when I'm done.
This is for Unit 4 Lesson 8 btw ;)
where are the anwser!?!?
lmao if y'all can't even use grammar correctly, y'all shouldn't even be on here.
@ tom same bro
yall need to chill just cause she or he might be cheating or not you'll never know what if she here to help people or something you guys will never know. So Please.Stop.personal stuff here guys gotta chill out okay so please no more mean post.
gosh i h8 pages like this
Thank you. I am a busy person and don't have very much time to read books. This does make the work easier for me. And Anonymous, no we aren't cheating ourselves out of learning. But if we were so were you, why else would you be here?
never seen so many arguments over a book....
Tom and I am correct, literally same. I got expelled from 7th for doing nothing in a trash school and somehow connexus took me in and put me in 8th grade. WITH NO TRANSCRIPTS FROM ANY ONE OF MY SCHOOL YEARS. FOR ALL THEY KNOW I COULD BE IN PRE-K!
uhhh whats the answers?
Can yall shut up about cheating and just help us
Tbh I mind as well do the test my self π
completely went off topic yall. it's a reading role question. stop insulting people who won't even come back to this page and just give the answer π.
let's be honest, if you sell you blood on the dark web, it could sell for over 5 thousand dollars!
The person above me, are you ok? :/
but i have Discussion Evidence Quick Check