The problem with your Python program is that the string concatenation is incorrectly formatted. You are attempting to use string concatenation with +
, but you are doing it inside a string, which will not produce the desired output. Instead, you can use an f-string for better readability or traditional string formatting methods.
Here are two ways to fix the program:
Using f-strings (Python 3.6+)
instrument = "kazoo"
age = 7
print(f"I have played the {instrument} since I was {age} years old.")
Using the format()
instrument = "kazoo"
age = 7
print("I have played the {} since I was {} years old.".format(instrument, age))
Using the old-style formatting operator %
instrument = "kazoo"
age = 7
print("I have played the %s since I was %d years old." % (instrument, age))
All three of these approaches will produce the intended output:
I have played the kazoo since I was 7 years old.