Square did not come out right sorry.
x x x x
x x
x x
x x x x
They should be arranged in a square shape
This problem comes from a worksheet titled "Test of Genius" pgBB-64 #6 Try to put the numbers 1 to 12 in the twelve boxes below so that the numbers along each side add to 26.
Help anyone?
8 answers
With 12 numbers, you cannot get a square. You will get a 3x4 rectangle. Does "each side" mean that you get 26 either vertically or horizontally or just horizontally?
Try to put the numbers 1 to 12 in the twelve boxes below so that the numbers along eah side add to 26..??
is this a real math problem and yes ..i need an answer to that ..i have no answer... myn is for a 9th grade class..it was just a little worksheet of fun to test our " genuisness" apparently..
is this a real math problem and yes ..i need an answer to that ..i have no answer... myn is for a 9th grade class..it was just a little worksheet of fun to test our " genuisness" apparently..
12 2 4 8 12 1 3
1 11 5 9 or 2 11 6
3 6 10 7 4 5 10
8 9 7
1 11 5 9 or 2 11 6
3 6 10 7 4 5 10
8 9 7
x x x x
x x
x x
x x x x
x x
x x
x x x x
did't work with me either
8 9 3 6
1 _ _ 11
12 _ _ 2
5 10 4 7
1 _ _ 11
12 _ _ 2
5 10 4 7
first row across: 12,8,5,1
first collom down: 12,2,3,9
bottom row: 9,7,6,4
second collum down:1,10,11,4
first collom down: 12,2,3,9
bottom row: 9,7,6,4
second collum down:1,10,11,4