This portfolio has two sections.
The 1st section is written & the 2nd section is spoken.
You must complete both components to earn full credit.
Yes, you may use your notes and the curriculum to help you. :)
Review this video to review how to change -AR verbs: AR verb video No translator usage is allowed.
Part 1: Written: 10 Spanish sentences total about your school day. (Translator usage is not allowed.)
Choose 5 activities from the curriculum & write two sentences each about that activity (10 sentences total, each sentence is 5 points).
Make sure you use the vocabulary associated with unit 3 or 4.
You must use subject pronouns: yo-I, tú-you, usted-you (formal), él-he, ella-she, ellos-they (m.), ellas-they (f.), ustedes-y'all, nosotros- we(m.), nosotras-we (f.)
You must conjugate the verbs in the present tense. (-ar verb conjugation video) Each activity should have:
1 sentence writing what you do (activity).
1 sentence using an adjective about the activity from the sentence.
Yo hablo con mi profesora (verb: Hablar)-I speak/talk with my teacher. Mi profesora es alta. -My teacher is tall.
1 answer
2. Tú escuchas música durante el almuerzo. La música es relajante.
3. Él practica deportes después de clases. Los deportes son divertidos.
4. Nosotros comemos en la cafetería. La comida es deliciosa.
5. Ellas bailan en el club de danza. La danza es elegante.