Sketch 1: Symmetrical Balance - Butterfly
Imagine a sketch of a butterfly, where the wings are perfectly mirrored on both sides. This illustrates symmetrical balance, as the design is identical on both sides of a central axis.
Sketch 2: Asymmetrical Balance - One Large Object with 3 Small Objects
In this sketch, draw a large object, such as a vase, placed on one side of the page. On the other side, draw three smaller objects, like flowers, leaves, or even small stones, positioned in a way that visually balances the larger object. While the two sides are different, they are balanced through the arrangement of objects.
Sketch 3: Radial Balance - Daisy Flower
Create a sketch of a daisy flower, where the petals radiate outwards from the center. The symmetry in each individual petal creates a radial balance, as it appears balanced and evenly distributed around a central point.
This portfolio asks for 3 sketches that show each of the 3 types of balance listed in the lesson (symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial).] Symmetry is the same on both sides like a butterfly. Asymmetry is different on each side but balanced such as one large object balanced with 3 small objects. Radial is balance in a circle such as a daisy flower.
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