This one is updated one. I am sorry for trouble.

I have to write to Expedia for their mistake on reserving my car rental at LA. I want a free car rental voucher.


Tajinder Singh
392 Hinter Wayne Drive,
Nashville, TN 52312

July 09, 2007

Mr. Bill Adams
Expedia Travel Inc.
1821 White Marsh Street,
Atlanta, GA 22929

Dear Mr. Adams,

I am writing this letter for your knowledge about my trip of Los Angeles one week ago. I have always used Expedia for my travel, and I have been satisfied from it from last 4 years. It has always guaranteed me the good trip from my past experiences. Recently, I had bad experience with using Expedia for my car reservations at Lafayette airport at Los Angeles.

When I reached the Lafayette airport, I went to Budget car rental to pick up my car but the person working over there told me I have no reservations for the car. He also informed me at that time they don’t have any other car available. I checked other car rental services at the airport but to no use. I called the Expedia, and the representative on the phone said that he has my reservation and the confirmation number. I was not convinced that Expedia has made reservation for me. After that, I called my friend and he came 40 miles driving to pick me up from airport. I was really embarrassed for troubling him.

As this was my bad experience with using Expedia, I would like a free car rental voucher for future trip to Miami, Florida. I am sure somewhere there have been mistake with your system. It will provide me happiness and you will be satisfying your loyal customer.


Tajinder Singh


is it okey?

My corrections and comments below are in bold; be sure to find them all!

Dear Mr. Adams,<~~use colon (:), not comma here

I am writing to tell you about my trip to Los Angeles one week ago. I have always used Expedia to make my travel arrangements, and I have been satisfied with your services for the last 4 years. Expedia has always guaranteed me a good trip from my past experiences<~~delete "from my past experiences" - those words are repetitive and unnecessary. Recently, however, I had a bad experience with<~~delete "with" using Expedia for my car reservations at Lafayette airport in Los Angeles.

When I reached the<~~delete "the" Lafayette airport, I went to Budget car rental to pick up my car<~~add comma but the person working over<~~delete "over" there told me I had no reservations for the car. He also informed me that, at that time, they didn't have any other car available. I checked other car rental services at the airport<~~add comma but to no use. I called the<~~delete "the" Expedia, and the representative on the phone said that he had my reservation and the confirmation number. I was not convinced that Expedia had made the reservation for me. After that, I called a friend, who drove 40 miles to pick me up from airport. I was really embarrassed for troubling him.

Because of this bad experience with<~~delete "with" using Expedia, I would like a free car rental voucher for a future trip to Miami, Florida. I am sure somewhere there was a mistake with your system. It<~~What is "it"? the mistake? the future rental voucher? what? will provide me happiness<~~add comma and you will be satisfying your loyal customer.

Thank you in advance.
