This morning while I was running, shoes smacking the pavement, Venus bright above the spine of the Bear Mountains, and my thoughts pinned to the day ahead, the meetings, the deadlines, the writing I would not do, a deer was hit by a car. It flew in front of me, disrupting the morning stillness, veered close to my chest, and then into the oncoming lane; for a moment, its legs silhouetted against the headlights of the SUV like a shadow puppet. Perhaps a mother scurrying after her baby who had already crossed the street. Perhaps the baby chasing its mother’s tail, too young to know of cars or roads or the way high beams devour your ability to see in shadow.

could you help identify the figurative language in this

6 answers

"Shoes smacking the pavement" -- personification

Now ... what can you find?
the SUV like a shadow puppet - simile
"Like a shadow puppet" is a simile, but not comparing the SUV to a puppet. What's being compared to a puppet?
the deers legs
I also see at least two metaphors in here. Have you found them?