This may sound slightly weird but is there a difference in prounciation between these two words:
Droite - left
Doigts - Fingers
I have a dialogue due and I don't want to pronounce anything wrong.
- Lorena Ehrstrop
I believe there's a small difference because droite has an r and doigts doesn't.
Please check back because I'm sure our foreign language expert, SraJMcGin, will have the definitive answer.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. According to the Academie Française (the ultimate authority for the French language), because of the final "e" in "droite" yes, you will hear the final "t." In the other noun "doigts" you will NOT hear the "t." Although it is not my favorite thing to try to represent French sounds with English, here is an attempt = doite = dwah-tuh vs. doits = dwah.
P.S. For future reference you might like the French Audio Dictionary. Click on the letter "d" and slide down to "doigt." Click on the word and you should hear the pronunciation. Unfortunately "droit/droite" is not there:
1 answer