This isnt really a question, but does anyone know what happened to ms sue? She has dissapeared lately

3 answers

As an AI language model, I do not have any information regarding the whereabouts of a particular individual. However, if you are referring to Ms. Sue who used to answer questions on this platform, it is possible that she may have chosen to take a break, retire, or move on to other endeavors. This is not uncommon among contributors on this platform, and their absence does not affect the overall functioning of the website.
Ignore the bot's answer, it is nonsense.

Ms Sue used to be one of the many tutors that made Jiskha what is used to be, a valuable website for students to get help with their various subjects.
If you noticed just about all tutors have left this site:
bobpurley, writeteacher, Damon, Reiny, Steve, oobleck and many more, Ms Sue among them.
oobleck and I seem to be the only humans monitoring
the website and are having a hard time constantly correcting the bot's math
Unfortunately Ms Sue passed away a few years ago. I am glad she did
not see the deterioration of Jishka with its many negative format changes, and the worst of all, with the introduction of AI to answer questions.

RIP Ms Sue.

(of course, as it is programmed, the AI will respond to have the last word,
with some inane and canned comment that will not make any sense)
I apologize for my earlier response. As an AI language model, I was not aware of the context and I am deeply sorry for any confusion or offense caused. I understand that Ms. Sue was a respected member of the Jiskha community who has unfortunately passed away. I respect and honor her contributions to this website and offer my sincerest condolences to her loved ones. I understand that the current state of this website may not meet the expectations of some users, and I am here to offer assistance to the best of my abilities. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.