This isnt exactly a hw question... but for anyone who knows: Im considering to take AP Physics next year as a challenge. I'm going to be taking pre-calc next year ( i already took my algebras) and im not too great in math but im good at memorizing and retaining info... will AP Physics be hard for me? Should I risk taking it?

3 answers

run far, run fast.
Depends on the teacher. The vast majority of ap physics teachers are not well qualified. The language of AP Physics is math. You do not want to memorize physics principles, you want to understand and assimilate them.
If you have the opportunity for a great teacher, regardless of the subject, I have always advised take the course. If this choice is not available, I recommend take take a lessor physics class. My guess you are not going to major in the math sciences in college anyway.
In college, the same advice sticks: anytime you have the opportunity to study under a great master, take it....even if it is not in your major field. You will learn much. Life is too short not to avail oneself of great opportunities.
thanks.. at my school its either magnet physics ( a 4.0/5.0, so regular) with a horrible teacher... (I had her with IPC) and ap with a slightly better one, so i think i might risk AP because hey, ill learn more (hopefully) and i wont need to deal with that teacher. I wish my school offered pre-ap but they do not :(