This is what I wrote for my week 6 assignment but I am so confused on adjectives and adverbs as well as superlatives and comparatives. I have to underline adjectives and bold adverbs. Help I just don't seem to be getting the hang of it.
Avatar the movie was well written and well animated. I think it is in a class of it’s own. As far as animation and film making go. The use of human and animation interaction was wonderfully demonstrated in this film.
I very much enjoyed watching this with my children. It really is a movie the whole family can appreciate over and over again. If someone were to ask me for my opinion on a family night movie this would top my list. Both young and old alike can appreciate this movie and the warm emotions it invokes as well. One of the more beautiful movies I have seen to date. It is one of the best movies I have had the pleasure of watching as well. I love how the tall race of alien type people were so affectionate much like a human. I have seen worse attempts at this level of animation in previous movies I have viewed. One that sticks out in my mind is Ice Age. I liked the story line but it fell short for me in the animation department. Future films could stand to learn much more from this film as to how to bring it to their viewers and capture their hearts and interest all in one.
1 answer
Study these sites carefully. Then post the adjectives and adverbs you find in this example. We'll be glad to correct your answers.