this is what i have so far but it needs to be 1000 words how do i make it longer There are two types of cell division one is mitosis that works for the growth and repair of body tissues and the other is meiosis which is required during sexual reproduction to reduce the chromosome number to half the advantage is identical cells are produced which means that if cell repair is required in certain specialized tissue mitosis will offer a better opportunity as it will produce the same kind of tissue which is injured. For example, kidney tissue will form kidney tissues and liver tissues will form liver tissues. The process is quicker. The disadvantages are No diversity is produced by mitosis and it eventually can lead to the production of the same clone of cells again and again and we know that diversity is the spice of life. It is needed to continue life. Mitosis can amplify negative traits. Provide ample diversity as it allows a type of cell division where genetic recombination of homologous chromosomes from both the parents provide new combination in the offspring causing diversity in genes. This division is responsible for the development of more advanced characters and thus evolution on the whole. It is a bit complex and lengthy process with high energy usage.Now in the above case if a mother is facing some problem related to cell division then obviously the child will be affected too. The child developing could be abnormal due to the absence of proper cell division mechanisms. There could be non-disjunction of chromosomes that could lead to polyploidy or many other syndromes eventually leading to improper physical or mental development in the child.

1 answer

I hope you are definitely going to refine your sentence structure.
I don't know what the specific assignment was, but you could include how gender is determined and what "other syndromes" can occur.
I hope this helps.