this is what i got for the earlier qeustion

1)f 2)g 3)a 4)a 5)B 6)B 7)A 8)E 9)F 10)A 11)A 12)D 13)h 14)h 15)a 16))f 17)b 18)h 19)h 20)c 21)g 22)a 23)h 24)a 25)b 26)a 27)e 28)b 29)f 30)c 31)c 32)a 33)a 34)c 35)g 36)h 37)g 38)b 39)h 40)a

2 answers

A. singular possessive noun
B. plural possessive noun
C. singular possessive pronoun
D. plural possessive pronoun
E. singular verb
F. incorrect usage
G. singular noun
H. plural noun
tell me the answers for the following chose from the answers choices above
1) goe's F
2)his F incorrect answer
3) goose's A
4)man's F incorrect answer
5)men's B
6)donkeys' B
7)Canada's A
8)follows E
9)its F incorrect answer
10)Hank's A
11)capital's A
12)girls' D incorrect answer
13)brothers-in-law H
14)hers H incorrect answer
15)mother-in-law's A
16)Chris's F incorrect answer
17)duchess' B incorrect answer
18)duchesses H
19)theirs H incorrect answer
20)one hour's C incorrect answer
21)strategy G
22)Nevada's A
23)sisters H
24)sister's A
25)sisters' B
26)fellow's A
27)sends E
28)winners' B
29)ours F incorrect answer
30)nobody's C
31)everybody's C
32)Gregory's A
33)female's A
34)he'e C incorrect answer
35)somebodys G incorrect answer
36)ourselfs H incorrect answer
37)mine G incorrect answer
38)miners' B
39)people H ?? You need to look this one up and decide if it's a singular or plural.
40)school's A
seed folk