THis is two valid improvment and extnesions right?
Suggested Improvements:
An improvement that could be made to the studies is increasing the sample size of the experiments and expanding the population that is included, which could increase the generalisability of the studies. This would consequently reduce the random error, yielding more accurate results. In addition, with a greater sample size, the effect of BCL11A inhibition on the prognosis and morbidity of beta-thalassemia can be further analysed, establishing the clinical significance of CRISPR-Cas9. Another improvement that could be considered is including control groups for enhanced evaluation with completed statistical values, such as standard error for all samples.
Suggested Extensions:
As an extension, CRISPR-Cas9 could be utilised on different genes that affect the pathophysiology of thalassemia, such as HBG1/2 and KLF1. Alteration of several different genes could have synergistic effects on foetal haemoglobin levels in thalassemia. An additional extension could involve CRISPR-Cas9 to target specific regulatory regions of the genome influence expression of multiple genes responsible for treatments for thalassemia.
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