This is the finished version of my essay from earlier. I'm not sure if it's all the way finished because I have to read it to my group for their point of view. Could someone proofread this for me and give me some tips again? Just don't be too harsh because my writing is still developing but I am trying to improve it. Thank you so much! and once again it's on the treatment of Taliban Women.
There is no stopping the madness that is charging through the blood-stained streets of modern-day Afghanistan. The treatment of Taliban women in this country is considered a great tragedy. Many have described it as brutal and inhumane. A women's existence is obliterated down to nothing. Their presence is noted as a shadow and they are, basically, denied the right to live. We are strongly against this immoral behavior that is provoked upon these individuals. If not for this project, our group would have been oblivious to the hardships these women endure their entire lives.
Before the invasion of the Taliban in 1996, women represented a large percentage of the well-educated and employed part of Afghanistan. Today, they have closed schools to girls and expelled women from universities. Their right to an education has been stripped away. A small child's eagerness for learning is openly denied because it's the "law". How much would Afghanistan have prospered from both men and women working together to make it a better country? Will the Taliban ever realize their insane and idiotic decisions that are ruining the soul of their country? Afghanistan of a life like this, memories of a better life would disappear and bitterness and despair would take it's place.
Not only are Taliban denied an education; they're beaten, stoned, and publicly hanged for crimes they didn't commit. These women live in apprehension each day never knowing if that day may be their last. Their lives are always at stake when gambling with the unpredictable accusations of the Taliban. The leaders became infamously known for their hideous acts when it hit world-wide news, many times, over the years. Here are some examples of the level of their brutality: "An elderly women was brutally beaten with a metal cable until her leg was broken because her ankle was accidentally showing underneath her burqa" ...(then I list more examples)
This project has opened our eyes to the physical and emotional pain and suffering that goes on in our world everyday. It's mind-boggling to realize that Afghanistan isn't the only country where women are treated unrealistic cruelty. As a nation that stands for freedom and justice we believe that American citizens should respond and give the Taliban women back heir voice and back their rights as individuals
-sorry it was so long. I also had a little trouble with the last par. ^
8 answers
Before the invasion of the Taliban in 1996, women represented a large percentage of the well-educated and employed part of Afghanistan. Today, they have closed schools to girls and expelled women from universities. Their right to an education has been stripped away. A small child's eagerness for learning is openly denied because it's the "law". How much would Afghanistan have prospered from both men and women working together to make it a better country? Will the Taliban ever realize their insane and idiotic decisions that are ruining the soul of their country? After centuries of a life like this, memories of a better life would disappear and bitterness and despair would take it's place.
Not only are Taliban women denied an education; they're beaten, stoned, and publicly hanged for crimes they didn't commit. These women live in apprehension each day never knowing if that day may be their last. Their lives are always at stake when gambling with the unpredictable accusations of the Taliban. The leaders became infamously known for their hideous acts when it hit world-wide news, many times, over the years. Here are some examples of the level of their brutality: "An elderly women was brutally beaten with a metal cable until her leg was broken because her ankle was accidentally showing underneath her burqa" ...(then I list more examples)
This project has opened our eyes to the physical and emotional pain and suffering that goes on in our world everyday. It's mind-boggling to realize that Afghanistan isn't the only country where women are treated with unrealistic cruelty. As a nation that stands for freedom and justice we believe that American citizens should respond and give the Taliban women back heir voice and rights as individuals
This looks good, but I suggest you write it in the past tense because the Taliban has been outlawed and is not a great force in Afghanistan any more.