this is the 2012 project. the one i gave u was a 2010-2011 project
Summer Science Poster
Please select one of the four solar-energy-based topics listed below to research. Based on your research you are to create a poster that details what you learned. Please make a bibliography of the resources that you used for your information, to go along with your poster.
Solar Energy Topics (choose one)
• Solar cars
• Solar cooking
• The sun
• Solar homes
Your poster will be graded on content, creativity, and neatness.
No science boards (tri-boards)!!!
Summer Math Assignment
Please create your own set of multiplication flash cards for all tables from two to twelve. Flash cards should be on 3 x 5 cards, have a problem on one side, and the answer on the other. Students are to use their flash cards to practice their times tables over the summer. They must have all tables memorized by September. Please bring flash cards to school on the first day. Students will be tested on all tables on the first day of school
Summer Reading Assignment
You will create a trait flipbook based on a character from the book Holes. You will need two sheets of 8 1/2 by 11 – inch white construction paper, scissors, a stapler, and colored pencils or crayons for this assignment.
If your last name starts with the letter A-E use Stanley Yelnats, F-J use Zero, K-O use Kate Barlow, P-T use The Warden, and U-Z use Mr. Sir
Select three traits that the character displayed in the story. Use the following website for help with character traits
Fold the two sheets of construction paper in half lengthwise. Crease them well and put three staples across the top. You will have four pages. Cut the second, third and fourth pages into three equal pieces about a half-inch from the top of your flipbook.
On the cover include the names of the author and the book in the lower right hand corner of the book. Your title across the top should read “Name of Character’s Trait Flip Book”. Example - “Big Bad Wolf’s Trait Flip Book”
On the second page write the three character traits you chose in the squares. On the third page, show support for each trait listed on the second page. Draw a picture of the character displaying the trait and write a caption. On the last page draw a picture of yourself showing how you have displayed this trait and write a caption.
Grading Criteria
30 points - for following the directions correctly. 20 - points for displaying three correct character traits. 30 - points for including evidence from the story. 20 - points for connecting them to personal experience.
Summer Writing Project
Please select one of the two narrative prompts and write a rough draft. On the first day of school you will turn in the rough draft and any graphic organizers that you used to create your draft. The rough draft will be taken through the remaining stages of the writing process during the first weeks of the school year. This will count as the first writing assignment of the first report. It does not have to be typed or published because it is a rough copy.
Narrative Prompts (choose only one)
Your aunt arrives with a huge box. You hear strange noises coming from the box. Write a story about what’s inside.
Although you asked for an MP3 player for you birthday, your parents gave you a telescope. But it’s not just any telescope. Something amazing happens when you look through it. Tell a story about what happens when you use the telescope.
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