I believe in educating each student to the best of his/her ability. Your teacher evidently believes that you are capable of much more cooperative behavior in class, so she's giving you an opportunity to straighten up in detention.
Your argument that others have worse behavior doesn't cut any ice with me. If you break the law or flaunt the rules, you are guilty, no matter what anyone else does. Just try getting out of a speeding ticket for going 10 miles over the limit by telling the judge that other cars were passing you on the road.
Your explanation isn't "reasonable" -- that you were messing around because you find it easy to be distracted in this easy class. Tough! You were disturbing the class and deserve whatever penalty is given you.
This is pretty irrelevant to subjects, but I've had a problem (no, not a math problem) that I could use some good advice on.
Today I received a detention for messing around with a friend during a computer apps class. It's easy as hell, so I find it easy to be distracted. Anyway.. there's these two kids in my class who get away with swearing and fighting, and another who continually shoots rubber bands across the room. I plan on approaching the teacher during my lunch break tomorrow and talking to her about the problem and hoping to get myself out of detention with a reasonable explanation. How should I approach her, and what could I say to help her understand how I feel that she's been unfair towards me?
2 answers
In the future, ask yourself why would anyone go to school to take easy classes (unless they were required). One ought to choose the hardest subjects, from the most demanding teachers. No exceptions. You wont have time to "mess"around. In later years, you will be very successful.