This is my introduction for my media bias essay. The sources i used is from the internet of B.B.C, F.O.X, M.S.N.B.C news. Do i just refer them as "tv news articles" or "internet news"
the reason i have dots in between is because the site says that i can't post website address.
The primary source of political information in America is the media. Media bias is a way to represent different people in a certain way based on their own views. A certain degree of political bias exists in every TV news articles. Using specific evidence, language, and tone, these stations try to persuade viewers to agree with their points of view. Internet news today no longer exists without some extent to media bias and is presented to a certain audience, edited to easily to influence the reader’s opinion, and is written to force the reader to adopt the same political views as the media. Of these TV news articles, the M.S.N.B.C news, the F.O.X news, and the B.B.C news all apply to some type of bias. The M.S.N.B.C has been criticized for being conservative, F.O.X is also biased in favor of conservatives, and B.B.C. is rarely known for bias since it is government restricted.
As an introduction, it is ok. I assume you will be amplifying the points and your thesis in the paper. I am not personally certain your statement " persuade viewers to agree with ...", but that is my view. I think most media try to be balanced, but some bias peeks thru, some more than others. Fox is one of those that are extremely biased. You are correct on BBC, in my many years, they have consistently TRIED to be complete, and unbiased. It is part of their genre.
While your introductory statements are broad, and generalized, I think it is OK in the introductory paragraph if you can back it up later.
Good luck.
The primary source of political information in America is the media. Media bias is a way to represent different people in a certain way based on their own views.<~~This seems so broad as to almost say nothing at all. A certain degree of political bias exists in every TV news articles<~~should be singular. Using specific evidence, language, and tone, these stations try to persuade viewers to agree with their points of view. Internet news today no longer exists without some extent to media<~~delete "extent to media" bias and is presented to a certain audience, edited to easily to<~~delete "to" influence the reader’s opinion, and is written to force the reader to adopt the same political views as the media.<~~?? Of these TV news articles, the M.S.N.B.C news, the F.O.X news, and the B.B.C news all apply to some type of bias. The M.S.N.B.C has been criticized for being conservative,<~~replace comma with semicolon to avoid run-on F.O.X is also biased in favor of conservatives,<~~replace comma with semicolon to avoid run-on and B.B.C. is rarely known for bias since it is government restricted.
The term "media" is so broadly used here that it's hard to grasp what you're getting at. Are you referring to print media (magazines, newspapers) or television or radio or Internet or what? When you simply use the term "the media," you are referring to ALL of them, which is not what your intent is, I think.
Good start, though.
writteacher, when i say media, i mean internet news media. so how would i say refer to that in my introduction so the term doesn't feel like it is broadly used
Just what you wrote -- "Internet news media" -- or you could say "news media on the Internet."