If your learning disability is in reading, I think you've chosen the wrong course. Law requires a lot of reading and comprehension.
I suggest you break each sentence into a smaller part --
"While researching a legal issue for your supervising attorney,
you stumble across a brand new decision
that appears to pertain to your research assignment.
The ruling court just ruled on the case yesterday and posted the decision on the Internet hours later.
What must you keep in mind about decisions posted on the Internet so soon after a ruling?
And what is a "slip opinion"?"
Make sure you understand each part, and I think the whole meaning will come together. You may need to look up some words in a dictionary.
Google is a good tool that helps.
This is my first assignment in University and in a law course.
I have learning disabilities and have trouble remembering and reading/writing.
This is my first assignment. I read it but I don't understand a thing. Please help me out...
"While researching a legal issue for your supervising attorney, you stumble across a brand new decision that appears to pertain to your research assignment. The ruling court just ruled on the case yesterday and posted the decision on the Internet hours later. What must you keep in mind about decisions posted on the Internet so soon after a ruling? And what is a "slip opinion"?"
1 answer